Two women file $15m claims against California school district after suffering sexual abuse

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By Nina Golgowski

Published: 05:53 EDT, 1 November 2012 | Updated: 07:46 EDT, 1 November 2012

Two women person some revenge a $15 cardinal suit against a California schoolhouse territory accusing them of permitting intersexual maltreatment by a erstwhile schoolhouse teacher.

The women, whose names were withheld, opportunity they were sexually abused aggregate times by Dan Witters, a subject coach astatine Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School successful 1996.

Witters was put connected administrative time off aft nan allegations were made and he killed himself 2 days later, contempt ne'er being charged for nan crimes.

 The Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School, wherever subject coach Dan Witters allegedly abused students successful nan 1990s

Scene of abuse: The Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School, wherever subject coach Dan Witters allegedly abused students successful nan 1990s

Both women now impeach nan Moraga School District of having received aggregate complaints of inappropriate behaviour by Witters but chose to do small aliases thing to extremity it.

It wasn't until precocious that they recovered retired astir nan school's alleged behaviour done a section news investigation, prompting their lawsuit.

Retired Moraga Intermediate School main Bill Walters, retired adjunct main Paul Simonin and retired superintendent John Cooley are nan district's labor accused by nan women of assisting successful nan abuse.

'District administrators, officials, and labor chose to protect their ain jobs and reputations alternatively than protect young girls from a predator,' nan claims obtained by Contra Costa Times reads.

 Kristen Cunnane revenge akin claims against nan Moraga School District this twelvemonth and said nan 'lax environment' of nan schoolhouse permitted nan abuse

Lawsuit: Kristen Cunnane revenge akin claims against nan Moraga School District this twelvemonth and said nan 'lax environment' of nan schoolhouse permitted nan abuse

'After Witters committed suicide, (the) Moraga School District undertook a run to conceal and screen up its knowledge concerning past complaints made against Witters.'

The suit is not nan first to beryllium revenge against nan schoolhouse accusing them and nan coach of intersexual abuse.

Kristen Cunnane, now 30, was nan first to record a suit claiming maltreatment by Witters.

Former swimming coach Cunnane said 'a lax environment' supplied by nan schoolhouse permitted nan harmful environment.

Ms Cunnane's declare was denied successful August pinch her suit seeking unspecified damages revenge successful September.

'We're not talking astir a pat connected nan butt aliases a swipe connected nan shoulder,' nan women's lawyer David Ring told nan paper. 'We're talking highly superior intersexual abuse.

'Their reaction... ranged from daze to dismay to anger. They couldn't judge it. Their mindsets ever person been Witters did this to us... and tried to woody pinch that issue.

'So erstwhile they recovered retired each of nan different complaints nan territory received, it was a immense setback for them because they realized it should ne'er person happened to them because nan feline shouldn't person been school astatine nan school.'

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